Having the sometimes wonderful tool of the internet at my hands, I decided to run a quick Google search and found that fibromyalgia is essentially depression and arthritis, with the addition of excessive tiredness and sleep problems.
While reading an extensive list of symptoms and common areas of pain I found myself murmuring, "Yup. Yup. Mhhmm, got that. That too."
Once I began to listen to myself, "Shit," was the word I muttered.
And I began to think of how things were making far too much sense. For starters, fibromyalgia tends to affect women more commonly than men. And my depression has existed since I could remember, about as long as my knees have throbbed at night. To top it all off, it is impossible for me to crack my back.
My depression is physical, just as much as it is psychological and emotional.
I am fighting three battles within myself.