
I'm Thinking of Writing a Book

I especially ask that you comment on this post, as I need help.

I am thinking of writing a book, as I've written a lyric essay for my class which I have received excellent feedback on. As I have quite enjoyed writing this piece (and am now currently enjoying its revision) I hope that I may be able to expand upon the essay until it grows into something of heft.

The biggest issue that the piece has as of yet is its structure. Because it is so far off from conventional, the writing can be hard to navigate. This means people have to read it several times to understand it. While I enjoy that the piece of writing gets people to reread it, but I do not want one to struggle and give up on understanding the text.

Right now it is broken up into sections separated by asterisks. each section is supposed to flow within the piece, but they are still separate vignettes (for lack of a better word), and so people expect the paragraphs to flow right from one to the other when they do not necessarily do so. I do plan on fluffing up the spots between the vignettes so that their order becomes logical to the reader. However I was also considering that instead of using asterisks, maybe I could label the different vignettes as separate chapters.

Please tell me your thoughts on the subject. I will be posting more about this as well as some excerpts so just check in frequently to stay updated. I'm serious about this guys. This will happen.


Russell Potter said...

Hi Charmaine,

Well this is an ideal age for getting writing with unusual or different structures out there, whether online or in print. I also tend to write in sections broken up by rows of asterisks; I like the idea of being able to signal a break as well as a continuity. Should everything "flow"? Not necessarily, and not everyone agrees about what "flow" is, exactly. Sometimes the gaps are part of the story -- so you should only "fluff up" the connections if it seems right to *you*. I will look forward to reading the excerpts that you post!

Mary Rocha said...

I Think you should go for it. Much of today's writing is unusual. I don't think it much matters if the book flows, as if you can learn from it and if the author enjoys writing it.

One of my favorite kind of books to read often jump to different perspectives or viewpoints, or are split up between different ideas. They make it a bit of a challenge to read, but in the end it usually adds to the style of the story. I would love to see what else you post and read some excerpts! Best of luck! =)

Charmaine Gray said...

Thanks for your comments! I have uploaded one excerpt already (under the title Maneraq). I think I may title the different segments just to ensure the reader that they are in fact separate. However I think I'm not going to fluff up as much as I had originally thought because you're right Dr. Potter. I will only expand on what legitimately needs expansion.