
Bilbo Baggins: The Hobbit in the Hill and The Burglar of the Arkenstone

I feel Like Bilbo Baggins,

The hobbit in the Hill.

All taken advantage of,

Sure you’ll beg me to help save your own life, but when it comes to world peace, that one selfish dwarf
only thinks about his own gold, his own claim to the Arkenstone.

Hey everyone,

Stop throwing me to the elves when I point out your flaws

I already know my own, as Mr Baggins knew his.

Besides, the elves know the good in our intentions that reside in our implications.

They say a true friend tells you the truth no matter what. Guess I’m a true friend, because I won’t lie for
the benefit of your feelings. If no one gives you that slap in the face, you will only become less than what
you are worth.

Mr Baggins wished for the comfort of home, and it was not the last time he wished so,

I wish for the comfort of home, and it will not be the last time I wish so,

But when I find home I shall wish no more,

As Bilbo need not wish as he sang merry with Gandalf and Balin smoking pipe tobacco in his parlour.

Sometimes I just want to stop holding people up to higher expectations. But I have seen potential. And I
believe in potential. And I stand up for what I believe in, as Mr Baggins does.

Bilbo Baggins may have selfish thoughts, but he is not a selfish hobbit.

I may have selfish thoughts, but I am not a selfish girl.

I just have so much love for the world that I cannot allow myself to rest and let it become a waste.

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