
The Crew debates whether The Walking Dead is better than Lost.
I have only watched the first seven episodes of Lost but I have seen every episode of The Walking Dead.. Already the answer is clear.
The Crew decides that the shows are not comparable and I shake my head in disagreement.


Keith said...

I couldn't find your email, so I'm posting the link to the site I mentioned yesterday. I thought I remembered you saying you enjoyed collecting books.


Unknown said...

I liked the walking dead a lot but then i just lost interest in it, but i find it far better than lost....never understood what lost was about....to confusing and weird

Charmaine Gray said...

The Crew claims that one must watch Lost several times to fully appreciate it. I however cannot say for sure.

Charmaine Gray said...

The Crew claims that one must watch Lost several times to fully appreciate it. I however cannot say for sure.