
The Token Valentine's Post

So Valentine's Day is coming up and it's on a Thursday, which means I will be missing out on my first USEFUL Valentine's Day because I will be in class until 8 pm. Which isn't late except it is when both you and your boyfriend have to work in the morning and are generally in bed by 11. It gives us maybe 2 hours to see each other...not enough time for a date. Which doesn't seem to really matter anyway because my boyfriend doesn't seem to actually believe in Valentine's Day.

"Oh it's just so commercialized...oh it does mean anything...oh.oh.oh."

                                                                                                           Whatever buddy.

Honestly, what holiday isn't commercialized? How is Valentine's more commercialized than Christmas when everyone is raging about searching for talking dolls and Zu-Zu Pets? And Christmas is a religious holiday!? You don't see anybody trying to cancel Christmas for its commercialism. Instead there are Christmas stories and movies and TV specials dedicated to educating people that Christmas is not meant to be celebrated for the presents and spending loads of money. They show people "The True Meaning of Christmas," Jesus' birthday, or family time, or giving to the poor.

I do not think it is the commercialism that bothers people. It's the fact that Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love. People interpret this different ways and lately love has been interpreted as a negative emotion. People do not like to love anymore. Which is a horrible thing because love is the one of the few things that keeps our morality in check. I believe people misinterpret the word and the emotion itself. They see the word as dooming.

I refuse to not celebrate because I am happy being in love with my boyfriend, with my friends, with my family.

1 comment:

Mary Rocha said...

I am starting to agree with you too! All the holidays are becoming commercialized. I got so angry when I walked into the stores and it was October and Christmas stuff was already out! People are forgetting what it is to celebrate holidays for real! The holidays are a time to surround yourself with those you love and those who love you.

As for Valentine's day, I never used to like it because people always seemed to put pressures on you to have a Valentine and if you didn't you kinda felt left out. That is until I realized you don't need a date and started celebrating with my best friend.I love how Programming views it that way too. Yesterday they were giving out flowers to spread the love! =)