
This is the Road I Walk 2.

            Just a week before the storm, Chris, Jake and I are on the rocks in Lincoln, behind the movie theatre just trying to kill time. The rocks making such a tiny fuss of a cliff face were amber like a desert without the cacti. We stood facing the paved road of industry. A bitter cold Phoenix Arizona. A city poisoned—the water saturated with bright little pills. The “happy” kind. I know where this road leads and I am glad that the chase is over.
To kill time before our movie Chris, Jake[1] and I watch from the rocks the road in front of us as the lights begin to glow behind us. This industrial desert. Phoenix.  Las Vegas. Santa Fe. These places no longer rise. But collapse under the tar and cancer. On the rocks behind the movie theatre, we stand and watch them die.

[1] The one and only in the world. 


Mary Rocha said...

I like your posts. They always provide me with inspiration to start writing again. I noticed you've made some changes to your blog. I was wondering if you put in a creative commons license yet. If not I think it might be a good idea. I would hate for your work to be given credit to someone else. You have a way to speak with such power. Keep it up! I think you are amazing!

Unknown said...

That was very nice. I really liked it. I also your new blog design. You are very creative.

Charmaine Gray said...

Thanks guys.. I'm glad you are enjoying the blog!

How would one go about getting a creative commons license?