
Dream Journal- To Anthony

Last night I dreamt of giving advice.

I had told your cousin to do a rain dance. I warned that he must take the dance seriously, else the gods will turn deaf to his prayers and rain it shall. Awake, I realize that rain dances only encourages the rain, however in dreams the world can sometimes be in reverse.

We live far apart, your cousin and I. Him in Peru and I here, yet it was to rain over both of our homes. A rain we thought would never end despite had not yet begun. But we both agreed that dancing the rain away would be our only solution.

In my dream, my sister did not understand the importance of our conversation. I sat on a bed with her, in our old room from a time when we were much younger. She began to jostle herself against me, wanting my attention. Thus I locked myself in the bathroom, screaming keep away obscenities towards her face.

As water boiled on the sink, I planted my feet against the base of the toilet with my back against the door, as I’ve done too many times in my youth. She kicked at the door as I warned your cousin, “God and the rest, they are watching. But they will not listen if we do not believe.” I hung up the phone and allowed my sister to open the door and ridicule me as she carried kettles of boiling water away from the sink. 

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